
Alain Zanella
Dr. Zanella is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Le Mans, France. In 2013 Alain was awarded his doctorate for research on “fluid overpressure and hydraulic fracturing of source rocks in different tectonic contexts” including the Neuquén and Magellan basins of Argentina. This research enabled him to develop expertise in the structural and petro-geochemical analysis of fibrous veins in anisotropic rocks and more specifically in potential source rocks for petroleum.
During the last 10 years Dr. Zanella has authored or co-authored more than 25 publications and communications related to his primary research interest of fluid / rock interactions including papers on the geological setting of bitumen dykes and sills of the Neuquén Basin, central Argentina. His extensive bitumen field studies and experience in the Mendoza and Neuquén Provinces will greatly assist NewEra’s bitumen and vanadium exploration program. He has also competed, and published research on bedding-parallel veins and associated fluid-rock interaction processes in central Asia, Europe, North Africa and the USA.
Through his current research themes of fluid migration pathways (water, hydrocarbons and magmas), rock anisotropy, mechanical discontinuities and their potential use, e.g., CO2 storage, Dr. Zanella collaborates globally with 17 institutions in 10 countries, including Argentina for CO2 storage. He currently leads a European Research Program focused on the role of discontinuities for CO2 storage with more than 60 partners in 8 countries (DISCO2STORE: Discontinuities in CO2 Storage Reservoirs, European Union’s HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101007851).